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The 50ish.org Mid-life Health & Fitness Category

Many men from the age of 40 upwards, experience a midlife crisis of the psychological variety. This can sometimes affect a man’s lifestyle choices and decision making to the detriment of his mental, physical and spiritual being. Sometimes, a crisis in mid-life is unavoidable, but with a little knowledge, it can be one that’s of a lot less destructive.

Health & Fitness of Mind, Body, and Soul

Health, fitness, and general wellbeing are things that many of us take for granted in our youth and yet go onto neglect in our middle age, or at least until something needs serious attention. It is the purpose of our Health & Fitness index to inform men of common health concerns and also inspire folks to take action towards living a healthier, and happier lifestyle overall.

The Definition of Health

According to the World Health Organisation, aka WHO, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” They have not amended that definition since 1948.

The Definition of Fitness

Physical fitness is generally defined as “the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigour and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and to meet unforeseen emergencies”. USDHHS, 1996

A Man’s Physical fitness can be broken down into the following:

  • Cardio-respiratory endurance (ability of circulatory and respiratory systems)
  • Muscular strength and endurance (ability of muscles to react and function as they intended)
  • Flexibility (ability of joints to move and function as they are intended)
  • Body composition (refers to the proportion of fat to non-fat components in the body)
  • Neuromuscular relaxation (ability to reduce or eliminate excessive tension)

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Note: Our Health & Fitness posts may span several pages, so please feel free to use the search box below to find content.


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Maintaining a good Health and Fitness level is the cornerstone for a fulfilling Middle-age

The Pains Men Shouldn’t Ignore: Most of us men know we have this reluctance to visit a doctor’s surgery or hospital clinic, but there are 7 types of pain and or discomfort that should NEVER be ignored.

Older Men need 56 Grams of Protein Daily: Are you getting enough and if not what does that mean to men as they age. This article simplifies men and protein.

75 – 95% of People are Dehydrated: Women dehydrate quicker than men but men are more dehydrated than most women. This is because they tend to exert themselves more at work and at play. But being constantly dehydrated is bad for body, mind, and general wellbeing. It can make a man sluggish, sick, and ill tempered. In other words, upsets his life in all areas.

What do you know about the Male Reproductive Organs? This piece looks at 10 basic facts on male sexuality that are generally unrecognised about a man’s bat and balls.

Men over 40 still Masturbate Regularly: Not only middle-aged men, but Old Age Pensioners are at it too. So why do so many older men still feel the need to choke their chicken? Read the article and all will be revealed.

Insomnia at Middle age: The quality of sleep declines as we men get older, but when a man has trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or both, he’s probably suffering from insomnia, usually triggered by stress, anxiety, or depression.

Are your Teeth letting you down in Middle Age: Teeth are for chewing food so it can be swallowed effortlessly and digested easily, but how your gnashers look can affect your life in more ways than you might think!

Adult ADHD in Men: Men may be fumbling through life with ADHD and not even know it. It’s now estimated that up to 70% of children with ADHD will still have the symptoms as grown-ups. So what’s the solution?

The Visible Signs of an Ageing Male: A Man actually start to show the first signs of ageing around mid 20’s, but there’s nothing yet to cause any real concern. By the time he reaches 40 though, well – that’s a whole other thing.

What are your chances of having a Stroke? This article looks at some stroke facts, types of stroke, i.e. ischemic and hemorrhagic, plus things a man can do to help prevent a stroke from happening.

What happens when maturing men ignore their eyesight? Our eyesight can let us down when neglected yet despite this obvious fact, many a man over the age of 40 still disregards the importance of maintaining his eyesight as he ages.

Frequently Asked Health Questions by Middle-aged Men: We men have never been very good at opening up and asking questions on health related topics – until now! The 50ish FAQ on Men’s Health

Tinnitus is no Laughing Matter: In fact it can and does cause a multitude of problems for men of middle-age and older, the world over. There is no actual cure, but there are a number of effective treatments for the condition.

Meet the MAMILS AKA Middle-aged Men in Lycra: He asks, “Do My Bollocks look Big in these”? So, who is ‘Lycra Man’ trying to impress, and more importantly, is it working? Let’s take a closer look!

Lonely Middle Aged Alcoholic Men: Active alcoholics in the throes of mid-life can appear to live seemingly normal lives when viewed from the outside. But in actual fact nothing could be further from normality than their desperate isolation.

Moobs are the Boobs that Men don’t want: Gynecomastia is a physical condition that men can do well without. Learn about the problem of male breast and some simple solutions on tackling man boobs in middle aged.

Middle Aged Beer Bellies: What every man should know. The abdominal fat, unsightly, uncomfortable, pot belly, is not restricted to pigs. It plagues many a man over the age of 40. So is there a solution, or what?

What Every Man Over 45 ought to Know about Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men of varying ages. 80% of men over the age of 80 have it! About two thirds of all cases are found in males…

5 Health Concerns for Men of Middle Age: It’s a time when body parts begin to wear out, spread out, thin out, grow limp, or thicken. Some of the most important health concerns for men 45 and up are a threat to life itself. Let’s look at the top 5.

My Male Mid-life Crisis. The way I see it! The March Hot Seat Interview is with Keith W, a middle-aged man who comes from England’s capital, London. Keith talks to 50ish.org about his experiences as he adjusted to his own mid-life crises.

The 50ish.org Definitive Guide to Checking Blood Pressure: & Using a BP Monitor in 2012: Hypertension, is perhaps the most common health condition among men over age 45. That’s reason enough to read our updated health guide.

TESTOSTERONE Issues in Maturing Men: Testosterone injections and testosterone patches promise to bring a man back into his prime, but sometimes there are other ways to deal with low testosterone and the issues men in midlife have with it.

The Andropause Explained: The so called man-o-pause, causes many health related issues in men of middle age. But does this condition really exist, or is it just a myth? Read on to form your own decision.

What Causes Adult Acne in men over 40: Furthermore, are there any effective treatments to help clear up these often ferocious outbreaks that can and do have harmful psychological effects on the sufferer?

Middle-aged Men Get Sexually Transmitted Diseases too: And what’s more, a recent study has shown a doubling in common STDs amongst men between ages 45-60 over the past decade.

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Here at 50ish.org, our articles and resources on Health and Fitness issues will continue to grow over time.

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